Making Engineering Real

Providing reviews and honest opinions.

I can certainly say that over the years electronics has changed a lot. For example, in the late 80’s when I started making my own hobby projects it was all through hole leaded parts and using strip board, plastic boxes…

Brand New Design!

The all new Node-Core development board is now available. With the STM32F412 at its heart it’s no slouch and has more internal features than other entry level development boards

I found out I was Dyslexic when I started secondary school at the age of 12. By the time I left I had poor grades and was told I would not amount to much. However Dyslexia is not a disability…

There was a time when debugging was not easy. In this blog I want to share some of the stuff I used to do to debug code and hardware – the hard way. So going back to when I started out in the 80’s there were few fancy debugging tools and the ones that were around were expensive.